Reading articles is interesting (especially ours) but challenging yourself in a little quiz is, in our opinion, a lot funner …

Our quizzes

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Quiz #1 – How long for _____ to biodegrade?

1 / 6

How long does a a battery take to degrade?

2 / 6

How long does a candy paper take to degrade?

3 / 6

How long does a glass bottle take to degrade?

4 / 6

How long does a a plastic bag take to degrade ?

5 / 6

How long does a apple peel take to degrade?

6 / 6

How long does a tin can take to degrade?

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The average score is 41%


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Quiz #2 – Food waste

You all aware food waste is a problem…but did you know it was this bad? Take this short quiz to know the extent of the problem right now!

1 / 5

Where do you think most of the food you eat every day comes from?

2 / 5

In the United States only, how much grams each person throws per day?

3 / 5

What is the percentage the food industry only is responsible for the world’s greenhouse gas emissions?

4 / 5

An area of food larger than … is wasted every year

5 / 5

What is the proportion of the food wasted annually in the world?

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The average score is 56%


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Quiz #3 – Virtual Pollution

Check out the related Article

1 / 5

Tons of raw material is needed to make a TV ?

2 / 5

How much data flow on the Internet represents video streaming?

3 / 5

How many grams of CO2 is sent by email ?

4 / 5

How many connected objects does the planet have?

5 / 5

To what object can we compare an internet box in relation to its electricity consumption ?

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The average score is 46%
