What are the main changes to put in place ?
Regarding transport, you could try …
Actions around Food, Daily life, Ecological state of mind and Digital routines coming soon …
[2] CO2 emissions from cars: facts and figures (infographics) | News | European Parliament
[3] How Bad Are Bananas? by Mike Berners-Lee
” The greatest threat to our planet is the belief someone else will save it “
Robert swan
Tips on how to easily incorporate these changes in your daily life
3 key changes to your shopping methods
You may be aware that our shopping methods are not really eco-friendly: plastic dominates the shelves and generally, all the products are manufactured abroad. Fortunately, we are now going to give you 3 essential yet simple methods that you should implement whilst shopping to make your carbon footprint a little greener. To conclude, we advise…
Our first Eco Idea: Compost bins
Welcome to our first Eco Idea, on compost bins! In the presentation, we explain why and how to install a bin as well as a few instructions on how to use them. We hope it inspires you to become greener! Click on this slide to discover the presentation: ©️ Your Green Footprint – 2021
You don’t quite grasp why you should change ? Head over to our Understanding page