Your Green Footprint’s story begins in March 2020. At the time, we were three students in Year 9 and like everyone else, we were locked down in our respective homes. As time progressed, we became increasingly aware of the impact humans were having on the Earth. Though only a few months before we had the same vague knowledge of the crisis as anyone, it suddenly struck us that we had to change. In our three households, we implemented new routines to be as respectful as possible towards our planet, sharing best practice together. Nevertheless, we quickly realised our efforts wouldn’t be enough. As a result, we decided to share our experiences and research on our own platform. Your Green Footprint was born.
Since then, we have managed to successfully create the platform, this very website which has gone through multiple transformations, recruit new members to the team and, most importantly, clearly establish a plan for Your Green Footprint going forward, to have the best possible impact on the planet. On this website, you will find many resources to understand this vast issue, and subsequently to act on the situation.
Our philosophy is to help you understand the crisis we, as a global civilisation, are facing and progressively guide you to a greener lifestyle with easy yet very impactful actions. We aren’t experts or doctors but rather a team of passionate individuals striving to engage other people in our cause.
Milo, Paul and Ines — YGF Co-founders
Wanna find out more about us ?
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